Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma life expectancy at the time of diagnosis will traditionally be announced at being somewhere between a few months to only a year or two. Statistically speaking, mesothelioma life expectancy is frighteningly short. However, the mesothelioma life expectancy rate is a mere average, mean or median of mesothelioma patients with wildly different independent variables. Many of these mesothelioma patients have lived years past their expected “date of death” estimate.

Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for these patients differed. Physicians for some patients may have been more experienced than physicians for the less fortunate. Not all patients follow through with chemotherapy or cancer treatment plans upon hearing the low mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, and many are not in shape to handle surgery. Others fight to live for just one more day.

Malignant Mesothelioma Controversy Depends On Type Of Asbestos Fiber

Few credible researchers deny the association between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. However, some hold to a theory that suggests the type of asbestos fiber can make a difference on disease development. One interesting study is called, “Asbestos fiber type in malignant Mesothelioma: An analytical scanning electron microscopic study of 94 cases” by Victor L. Roggli, MD, Philip C. Pratt, MD, Arnold R. Brody, PhD - American Journal of Industrial Medicine Volume 23 Issue 4, Pages 605 – 614. Here is an excerpt: “Abstract - Although the association between asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma is indisputable, controversy continues regarding the relative contribution of the various types of asbestos fibers to the development of mesothelioma. We examined the types of asbestos fibers recovered from lung parenchyma in more than 90 cases of malignant mesothelioma from the United States, using an analytical scanning electron microscope. Almost half of the patients were former asbestos insulators or shipyard workers. The fibers were recovered from lung tissues obtained at autopsy or surgical resection by means of a sodium hypochlorite digestion procedure. Amosite absestos was identified in 81% of the cases and accounted for 58% of all fibers 5 m or greater in length.

Mesothelioma And The Differences Among Fibrous Silicates

One interesting study is called, “Generation of hydroxyl radical by crocidolite asbestos is proportional to surface” by Andrew J. Ghio, Jing Zhang and Claude A. Piantadosi Division of Allergy, Critical Care, and Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, Box 3177, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, U.S.A. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Volume 298, Issue 2, 1 November 1992, Pages 646-650. Here is an excerpt: “Abstract - Differences among fibrous silicates to effect injury in biological systems have been postulated to reflect oxidant generation by structural iron within the crystal lattice of amphiboles. Iron is also coordinated to the surface of all silicates in concentrations which depend on the density of acidic functional groups. We tested the hypothesis that oxidant generation by crocidolite is proportional to surface-complexed iron rather than variance in the lattice concentrations of this transition metal. Surface iron was quantified after its reduction to Fe2+ and chelation by citrate. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactive products and dihydroxybenzoic acid products of salicylate were employed as indices of nonspecific oxidant and hydroxyl radical generation, respectively. Surface iron, TBA reactive products, and dihydroxybenzoic acid products all diminished after pretreatment of crocidolite with the metal chelator deferoxamine in concentrations varying from 0 to 250 m . Inclusion of deferoxamine in the reaction mixture provided similar results of diminishing both TBA reactive products and dihydroxybenzoic acid generation. We conclude that oxidant generation by crocidolite is proportional to surface concentrations of iron which can be chelated using deferoxamine. The design of synthetic fibers without health effects after exposure will likely necessitate decreasing the number of surface acidic functional groups to diminish the capacity to complex iron (i.e., minimize the percentage SiO2).”

10 Important Facts About Mesothelioma And Asbestos

Exposure to Asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma. Almost all cases of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a natural mineral which is mined from rock found in many countries around the world. It is made up of tiny fibres as strong as steel, woven like cotton and highly resistant to heat, chemicals and electricity.

The first definite link between mesothelioma and asbestos was made in the 1960s. At that time, asbestos was very widely used in the manufacture of insulation materials, such as insulation board and building materials, including cement.

When asbestos is damaged or disturbed, it releases tiny fibres, almost invisible to the naked eye, which, when airborne can breathed in, and cannot be exhaled or coughed out. Once the fibres are in the lungs, the body's defence mechanism tries to break them down and remove them, which leads to inflammation in the lung's tissue.

Survival Rate Of Mesothelioma

Individuals between the age group of 50 and 70 years are more likely to get the disease due to the long latency period. However, a survey conducted in 2007 revealed that the disease affects more people between the age group of 30 to 40. Based on industry and occupation, statistics indicate that people working in industries such as construction, railroad, shipyard, manufacturing and automobile industries are likely to be exposed to asbestos, with the construction industry having about 1.3 million people being exposed to asbestos.

The statistics on the study of mesothelioma also indicates that the life expectancy of people with the disease to be at least one year. However, with early detection and aggressive mesothelioma treatment, the life expectancy may increase up to two to five years. Studies also indicate mesothelioma can be a silent killer as the symptoms associate with the disease lies inactive in the body for very long periods ranging between ten to fifty years. As symptoms are likely to appear only in the later stages of the disease, this reduces the survival chances of the patient.

Facts You Should Know About Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is an uncommon appearance of asbestos cancer that grows in the mesothelial cells. These cells form tissue that envelop or line the lungs, heart, and stomach. The mesothelial cells safeguard these organs by manufacturing a greasing fluid that permits them to move about smoothly.

In the United States, asbestos is devastating cause of mesothelioma. This always happens through prolonged exposure to asbestos in an occupation environment. Also, it has been discovered that not only workers in asbestos presence can develop this disease. People working near those who are using asbestos products can also develop this disease. Exposure from family members and their work clothes can also cause mesothelioma.

How To Find The Best Mesothelioma Doctors

Mesothelioma is a very rare kind of tumor that develops in the mesothelium - a membrane that surrounds the chest cavity, the cavity around the heart, as well as the abdominal cavity. The job of the mesothelium is also to protect nearly all of the body's internal organs. Mesothelioma can be benign and although it impacts the effectiveness of the internal organs, the tumor mass can be surgically removed. On the other hand, cancerous mesothelioma usually develops through the exposure to asbestos and over 3000 Americans die from this disease every year. According to mesothelioma doctors, the death rate for mesothelioma will peak within a decade, with a 3-1 ration between men and women who contract the disease.

Anybody who was ever employed in the construction industry where asbestos was used, or within any industry for that matter where they were exposed to this product should seriously consider consulting with a mesothelioma doctor. Even if patients do not display any of the typical symptoms of problems related to asbestos exposure, they should realize that many of these symptoms would only develop decades after exposure.